Frequently Asked QuestionsUpdated 2 April 2020Will my Waste Management General Waste and Garden Waste residential wheelie bin still be collected durin...
Geneva, 24 March 2020 - With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continuing to spread and its impacts upon human health and the economy intens...
引 子 新冠肺炎疫情突如其来,随着医疗救治推进,多地医疗机构产生的医疗废物剧增。在武汉,医废处置一度全线告急:疫情前,日处理能力约50吨,而疫情期间库存量最高时达192吨。大量医疗废物若不及时安全处置,容易引起疫情次生灾害及二次污染。 打赢疫情防控人民战争、总体战、阻击战,每一个环节都要牢牢守住...
原标题:战疫·创新|移动式医疗废物处置方舱驻扎战“疫”前线 来源:中国知识产权报/中国知识产权资讯网 近日,由航天神禾(北京)环保有限公司(下称航天神禾)研制的航天移动式医疗废物处置方舱在武汉雷神山医院、宜昌市中心人民医院和协和医院江南院区正式启用。该移动式应急医疗废物处置方舱安全可靠、机动灵活,...
The current pandemic of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, raises questions and brings challenges regarding municipal waste management practices and pro...
Changes to Waste services as a result of Covid-19As a result of the current Government guidance in relation to stay at home and social distancing, the...
The UK’s Environmental Services Association (ESA) has welcomed the government’s recognition of waste and recycling operatives as key workers, enablin...
The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is providing ad hoc updates from its Ambassadors around the world on the impacts on recyclers as the world...
As the UK adjusts to a ‘new normal’ in the wake of the Government’s latest lockdown announcement, it will be difficult for some organisations to conce...
Regular waste collection services are a key-element for the quality of our urban lives. We understand how important they are only when we miss them.Du...
A letter from ISWA President Antonis Mavropoulos23 Mar 2020 -Dear Colleagues and Friends, The Coronavirus crisis is ongoing, and our world is already ...
湖南省生态环境厅举行2020年首场新闻发布会。 王昌华 摄(抗击新冠肺炎)湖南近两月处置8000余吨医疗废物 定点医院均配消毒设施中新网长沙3月31日电 (王昊昊)湖南省生态环境厅31日举行的新闻发布会透露,新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,湖南省已建成的12个医疗废物集中处置设施运行正常,医疗废物集中处置能力...
Written by ISWA President Antonis Mavropoulos25 Mar 2020 -Regular waste collection services are a key-element for the quality of our urban lives. We u...
Nicolas Humez is Chair of the ISWA Working Group on Hazardous Waste and Director of public affairs for SARP Industries brings a brief update on the Fr...
Dr. Anne Woolridge is Chair of the ISWA Working Group on Healthcare Waste, Chief Operating Officer at Independent Safety Services Ltd and Chief Operat...
疫情暴发后,武汉、湖北等地定点医疗机构的相关医疗废物和生活垃圾数量激增,而医疗废物处置能力如何在短时间内迅速增强,考验着中国医疗废物处置的安全防线。 “疫情刚暴发的时候,武汉每天只有50吨的医疗废物处理能力,但生态环境部领导要求,医废处置能力必须达到能满足每天3万人的垃圾产生量”,武汉市医疗废物...