


刘建国 美国人文与科学院院士,美国密西根州立大学杰出教授

Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability and Director, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife University Distinguished Professor

美国人文与科学院院士,美国密西根州立大学杰出教授,国际著名生态学家,可持续发展科学家和中国环境问题专家,现任美国密西根州立大学鱼类和野生动物系蕾切尔·卡逊讲席教授、大学杰出教授,系统综合与可持续性发展中心主任。长期从事生态学与社会科学和政策的综合性研究,包括可持续性发展、保护生物学、人类与自然的相互关系、人类活动对环境和生物多样性(如大熊猫和鸟类)的影响、系统模型及模拟等。创建并领导国际人类 - 自然耦合系统研究网,主持完成了美国科学基金会、美国航空航天局和美国健康研究所等政府机构和国际组织资助的数十项跨学科综合研究项目,在《自然》和《科学》等世界顶尖学术期刊发表文章 10 余篇。《科学》、《美国科学院院刊》等编委。


曾现来 清华大学环境学院副研究员

Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

曾现来博士,清华大学环境学院副研究员,主要从事固体废物资源化、城市矿产与循环经济、资源环境管理等交叉领域的研究,在Nature Communications、中国科学、Environmental Science & Technology等期刊发表论文/论著/专利等100余篇,主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目等20余项。先后入选美国富布赖特学者、世界前2%科学家2019年度影响力榜单(斯坦福大学发布)、第三批国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,曾担任耶鲁大学、麦考瑞大学、考文垂大学、澳门大学等访问教授/学者,联合国环境署巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心首席技术顾问和联合国开发署技术顾问等;同时兼任中国生态经济学会区域专业委员副主任委员、中国环境科学学会循环经济分会秘书长、中国环境科学学会固体废物分会专家委员等; nature子刊等3个期刊编辑,50个国内外期刊审稿人;获得第七届中国管理科学学会管理科学奖学术奖、国家自然科学基金管理学部面上项目结题绩效考核评估“特优”、中国环境保护产业协会2019年度环境技术进步奖一等奖等;组织主持国际国内学术会议11次。



郝吉明 中国工程院院士、美国国家工程院外籍院士、清华大学环境科学与工程研究院院长

Professor, Dean of Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University; Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering

中国工程院院士、美国国家工程院外籍院士、清华大学环境科学与工程研究院院长。1970 年清华大学本科毕业,1981 年获清华大学硕士学位,1984 年获美国辛辛那提大学环境工程博士学位。主要研究领域为能源与环境、大气污染控制工程。主持全国酸沉降控制规划与对策研究,为确定我国酸雨防治对策起到主导作用。建立了城市机动车污染控制规划方法,推动我国机动车污染控制的进程。深入开展大气复合污染特征、成因及控制策略研究,发展了特大城市空气质量改善的理论与技术方法,推动我国区域性大气复合污染的联防联控。获国家科技进步一等奖 1 项、二等奖 2 项,国家自然科学二等奖 1 项。2015 年获哈根斯密斯清洁空气奖。


陈晓红 中国工程院院士、湖南工商大学校长、中南大学商学院名誉院长

Professor, Principal of Hunan University of Technology and Business; Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering



Agamuthu Pariatamby  马来西亚科学院院士、马来西亚双威大学教授

Agamuthu Pariatamby, senior professor at Institute of Biological Science at University of Malaya. He also holds responsibilities at Waste management Center as Director, and at Malaysia Society of Waste Management and Environment (MSWME) as president. International wise, Prof. Pariatamby is the vice-president of SWAPI, and also a member of The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). He is also a member of the editorial boards in a number of national or international journals, such as the US hazardous waste and environmental management critic journals, Japanese material recycling and waste management journals etc.

Prof. Agamuthu’s core research interests are urban waste management, hazardous waste management, plastic biodegradation studies, waste environmental impact assessment, material flow analysis and bioremediation. He has authored more than 380 published scientific papers and 36 books on solid waste. A book which he has published titled "Asia and the Pacific islands in urban waste management: Challenges and Solutions" was given the Publication First Prize by International Solid Waste Association. In addition, Prof. Agamuthu is an experienced and authoritative consultant in the field of environment management. He has taken the role of senior consultant of UNEP, and has participated in a number of international cooperated projects in the field of waste and environmental management.

柴立元 中国工程院院士、中南大学冶金与环境学院长、国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心主任



Marie Harder  英国皇家艺术院院士(FRSA),复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授;


In 2011 I was offered a professorship to be taken up at Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China. This is a prestigious appointment at a world top-200 university which came with a 5-year research grant and the availability of a new PhD studentship each year. This appointment is in recognition of potential to develop internationalisation of researchers at Fudan in the general area of sustainability, and followed a selection process by advisors internationally (including in the UK).

 In September 2016 I was awarded the Shanghai City Magnolia Award (Silver) for services to internationalisation in the metropolis.

 In January 2018 I was invited to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.



The aim of my research is to use interdisciplinary research to make clear advances in modern challenges facing humankind. Although trained as a physicist, I now use design approaches to help move across and between disciplinary boundaries, especially waste management, behaviour scence implementation and sociology, treating them as integrated systems. I maintain the rigour needed for academic and pragmatic success by constant reference to unitary validity – especially requiring care with validity of representing the perspectives of the people involved (face validity), and validity of any measurements taken.

At the moment this have led to two main research foci:

1. Changing food waste diversion behaviour of residents in cooperation with Shanghai Municipality (population 24 million) through grounded theory building. Our recent recommendations were formally taken into the July 1st 2019 policy, which triggered 9,000 tonnes new daily diversion.

2. Crystallising and communicating local shared values of communities, e.g. in Senegal, Indonesia and India as a linking strand of work with health specialists on a UKRI GCRF Hub on Stunting; in Botswana for climate change adaptation planning; in Nigeria for village development; in Bhutan and Thailand for evaluation of values-based legacies of programs.

Seeram Ramakrishna 英国皇家工程院院士(FREng)、新加坡工程院院士、印度国家工程院院士、东盟工程与技术科学院外籍院士、新加坡国立大学教授


Thomas H. Christensen 丹麦科学院院士、丹麦科技大学教授

Research Area:

Waste technology and management. This involves more recently use of life cycle assessment tools and focus on holistic management of waste and recycling systems. Focus has been on developing the EASETECH model. Research included recycling systems, waste collection, incineration, bioprocessing, landfilling, ash treatment, land application, groundwater pollution and soil pollution.

Distinctions and awards:

2015 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China

2011 R98‐foundation: Research donation

2007 ISWA Publication Award

2005 Rendan Prisen

2003 Honorary Professor, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China

2001 Vissing Foundation: Research donation

1997 The INESON lecturer, International Association of Hydrogeologists, The British National Committe

International Awards 

Confucius Friendship Award  .. 2010 conferred by Shandong Province, CHINA

Qilu Friendship Award  ..2012 conferred by Shandong Province, CHINA

International Assignments

Agency : UNCTAD, Geneva

I have done a project on behalf of UNCTAD on Hazardous Waste Management of Used Lead Acid Batteries in India. The study in the first phase has involved a short issues paper which takes stock of the Key Environmental and Economic problems of the automotive battery recycling industry in India, its adjustment needs in the light of the trade restrictions resulting from the Basel Convention ban on import of Scrap batteries.

At a UNCTAD conference on Trade, Investment and Environment in January 1999 at Jaipur, I have presented a paper on “The Basel Experience –Focus on Secondary Lead Recovery”. Paper published in UNCTAD publication ( UNCTAD/ITCD/TED/6).

In the second phase it is proposed to coordinate with the major stakeholders in order to improve restructuring of the secondary lead recovery industry, upgrading environmental and occupational and performance, and transfer of technology and skills.

Anupam Khajuria 联合国区域发展中心研究员

Anupam Khajuria 博士目前在日本联合国区域发展中心(UNCRD)担任研究员,她领导着两个研究项目,分别是在亚太地区促进 3R 以及扩大本地废物管理服务的国际伙伴关系。她的研究领域为环境工程,包括废物管理,水工程和可持续环境。她的研究重点是 3R 和资源节约型政策与策略如何对新的全球议程做出贡献,例如 2030 年可持续发展议程和新城市议程。这些全球议程将有助于减少人类对地球边缘地区的影响。

她在环境科学领域的同行评审期刊上发表了多篇论文,特别是在废物管理和水工程与政策和前沿技术领域(第四次工业革命 /4.0 工业 / 人工智能)。在第 14 届固体废物管理和技术国际会议(2019 年全球废物论坛)上,她主持了一场有关塑料废物及其管理的会议。她为编写亚洲及太平洋 3R 状况的第一份综合报告做出了贡献。她为 2019 年 6 月在日本举行的 G20 会议协助准备了《亚洲及太平洋地区塑料废料的早期释放问题》,《循环经济的挑战和机遇》。

Edgar Hertwich  挪威科技大学工业生态学国际讲座教授,能源与过程工程系教授

Edgar Hertwich is International Chair in Industrial Ecology at NTNU and professor at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering. He serves as leader of the research area Circular Economy of NTNU Sustainability. He leads the work on resource efficiency and climate change of the International Resource Panel and serves Immediate Past President of the International Society for Industrial Ecology. He also serves as an


Edward T. Chen 美国中美环境保护与安全协会会长


Chen, Edward T., President, Chinese American Society of Environmental Protection & Safety


More than 40 years experience and research in the areas of environmental pollution control with emphasis on municipal solid waste operations, recycling, waste to energy, landfill disposal, circular economy, household hazardous waste management, end user markets, recycled product procurement, waste minimization/prevention, waste audit, material recovery facility (MRF), biomass technology, construction & demolish (C&D) waste,and CO2 reduction. Developed an award-winning public-private recycling partnership that has saved millions dollars for the Houston, the partnership was used to implement a comprehensive recycling program for the Houston.

Helmut Rechberger 维也纳技术大学废物及资源管理研究中心主任、教授


Prof. Rechberger is the Head of the Research Centre for Waste and Resource Management. He teaches courses in Urban Metabolism, Resource Management, scientific Evaluation Methods, Waste Management and Technology, Waste Incineration. 

Research Interests

 • Material flow analysis
• Waste and resource management
• Scientific and technical evaluation methods
• Urban metabolism
• Anthropogenic metabolism
• Industrial ecology
• Recycling and waste treatment technologies

Prof. Rechberger’s research interests: further development of evaluation methods and concepts in waste and resource management including statistical entropy and thermodynamic-based approaches; introduction of mathematical-statistical tools of material flow analysis to consider data uncertainty and error propagation; cost accounting in combination with material flow analysis; method development for the characterization of mixed wastes with regard to relevance for greenhouse-gas emissions; environmental impacts of resource utilization; recovery of valuable substances from ashes and slag; investigation of morphological and chemical composition of urban stocks including dynamics.
